Wednesday, July 25, 2007

A Not So Shiny Summer for Pro Sports

I have been a rabid sports fan for a pretty long time, during this obsession I have seen many unbelievable games and stories related to sports both positive and negative. But in all of the years I have followed sports, I can not recall a worse time in sports in general than what is happening right now.

In the three biggest professional sports leagues there are major conflicts occurring that is hurting the reputation of there own respective sports league and in all of sports in general. In Major League Baseball there is the on going steroid investigation involving Barry Bonds that has been going on the least few years. This problem has caused many analysts inside baseball to name this period in the majors as the "steroid era." In the NFL, Michael Vick, a star quarterback for the Atlanta Falcons, is being federally investigated for dog fighting. Vick is likely to face a suspension for the upcoming season. And finally in the NBA, official Tim Donaghy is being investigated for betting on league games, and even influencing the outcome to some games he worked.

For the first time in my life I would not willingly admit that I am a sports nut. These problems are not only embarrassing for the leagues, but disheartening to the fans. This situation has caused me to ask, "How can it get this bad?" How do all of these situations reflect on us on society? It will be interesting to see how every one of these stories will progress, as well as, to see what steps every league in professional sports takes to clean up after them selves. Realistically, I do not see leagues getting better before I see them getting worse, but as a fan I will hope that the sun will shine again on the reputation of professional sports.

1 comment:

Racquet Girl said...

A truly sad day in age for sports indeed. But look at the rest of the world.. war, famine, poverty, DC.. Perhaps global warming is to blame?

But on a more serious note. I think this is because the sports world shoved these issues under the rug and finally they are climbing out. They knew about steroid use for a long time, they just didn't want to confront it. Same with all this other chaos. Its been going on, and I'm sure people knew. They were just afraid of confrontation, and now finally all these things are coming to the surface and hopefully they can all be cleaned up, and we can go back to the world sports was about honesty, persistence, and ....