Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Shaq Saves The Kids

Trying to survive this massive heat, I turn on the tv and see none other than Shaq and a bunch of obese kids doing jumping jacks in a classroom. At first, I thought it was a commercial...promoting the NBA and all the good it does for the community, but then I realized it was a reality show.

So then I laughed. How clever it is to have Shaq, a big athlete motivating big kids to live healthier lives. What's even more efficient about this show is that it not only sends a positive image of the NBA and its philanthropy, but puts the attention on the schools and how they are failing to teach probably the most important lesson of all: health.

Of all the useless things schools find the funds to teach students, its tragic to see many fitness and health education programs get cut. If kids don't learn how to take care of themselves, what good will knowing the square root of 42543525 to the power of 3242 be?

So despite the corny-ness of this show (it really has awkward parts...couldn't even watch it all the way through), I think it is a fantastic idea, and I hope it will make excersizing more popular amongst the youth of this fast food nation.
It is just super frustrating seeing how schools put such a low priority on fitness education. Living a healthy life should be a core principle people learn from a young age. You can't really do anything else if you are under constant chronic ailments. Plus, one is able to think more clearly and have more energy if they eat healthy.

So if all else fails, this show will raise awareness. And that rocks. :D


golions84 said...

I don't get what's up with Physical Education classes these days. It's not just the schools being underfunded, it's also the kids having trouble with motivation. Back in high school as a senior, I was an aide for the Freshman P.E. class, and I can't tell you how hard it was to motivate the kids to do the work. I couldn't believe that they would complain so much. All throughout my life, I looked forward to P.E. because it was a time when I didn't have to think about anything, and I could just have fun being active. I don't really know what happened in the 3 years between my Freshman and Senior years that changed so much.

Also, in Spring term this year, I was an aide for an elementary school P.E. class, and found much of the same issues. Kids just didn't care about being active and having fun outside. The big problem between that class and the one in high school was that each grade only had P.E. once a week! How is that supposed to do any amount of good when you're getting an hour of exercise a week? I agree with you that there are life lessons about how to take care of your body that are much more important than many of the things schools teach these days.

ayabean said...

Yes, I think this idea is good. Super star have a strong power to affect kids and especially teenagers. Recently, I read an article about Beyonce was criticized because during her concert, she performed like "smoking is cool." That's encourage young people to be smokers.
Anyways, what I want to say is super stars have huge influences to people.

mark said...

I agree, our PE systems throughout our schools have become worse and worse. With all the new gaming systems, kids don't have any motivation to step outside and get some exercise, Let alone even being motivated to do PE. kids don't care anymore. We need a system or a figure to make them care.