Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Why do the Pro's make so much money?

These people we idle so much, who drive these fancy cars and date beautiful women, how do they do it? Professional athletes these days should not be able to make the money they do. Most of them barely scraped their way by in school, get to go to some fancy college because they can play with a ball well, and then instantly get promoted to CEO. Now what about the poeple who work their ass off through school, get a great starting job at $45,000, and hope to only excel more in the payroll scale. The thing that even bugs me more, is how stupid they are with their money and their lives after they instantly get millions dumped on them. Now don't get me wrong, their are great professionals who do great things for the community. But it is those dumb few who ruin it for all of them. Why do slackers who don't even barely go to college any more make millions more then us? That just shows you what are nation thrives on, money over mind.


Middle Relief said...

This epitomizes why, I sometimes question the value of public education. While you may be stating how you FEEL, it is not the basis for an educational, debate that brings in a higher level of understanding to the matter.

#1 - As it relates to pay, when you can do something of value extraordinarily better than 99.5% of the general population you will get paid more money than 99.5% of that general population that can't do what you can do. Thus, the 7, 8, to 9 figure compensation packages.

#2 - How about that person that works hard to get the $45k per year job? If all they are making is $45k then it is doubtful that they "busted their ass in school". And if they did, it was likely in a discipline that adds very little measurable value to society.

Conclusion: Specialized labor is where the money is at. Want to make mad jack and change the world for the better? - then learn to do something very well that others simply can't or are unwilling to do. If you are unwilling to do that, then don't complain.

Racquet Girl said...

If they are slackers and spend their money like idiots, eventually they will be broke sitting on the street corners. The people who make it big and keep working hard, practicing the game they love day in and day out, those are the people who make it in the longrun.

And then again, the rich have their own bundle of problems us poor peeps can't understand.

Someday maybe.

Anonymous said...

Managing the new found wealth is a problem in the pro sports/entertainment community. Essentially, the behavior didn't change, just able to do it in better clothes, bigger houses, more expensive cars etc.

- behavior modification of these folks is entirely a different issue though vs. why they earn what they do.


Mike G.P. said...

Yeah, I'm not really sure what this post is trying to say. Is it advocating socialism? A maximum salary in a profession? A requirement that you need a college degree to earn money?

Pro athletes make so much money because they're gifted specialists, plain and simple. This happens in the same regard that an especially savvy computer person might make millions, the same way a sound investment banker might make millions. So is the problem simply that the public knows who these millionaires are? Is the problem that (some of them) didn't graduate from college? What is the issue?