Sunday, July 15, 2007

7/16 debate The No Class Athletic Association (NCAA)

it was reported earlier that Oklahoma may have to surrender all of its wins in 2005 because of the indiscretions of starting QB Rhett Bomar and offensive tackle JD Quinn. For those that don't know, these two players were payed upwards of 10 thousand dollars for work at a car dealership that is owned by a major booster and supporter of Sooner football. It is a shame that the actions of two players can ruin the efforts of all the other players on the team. Perhaps Bob Stoops should take a page out of Pete Carroll's playbook and run the "freeze out" play. It seems to be working for USC in the case of Reggie Bush. It was reported on yahoo sports that Reggie bush received upwards of 100 thousand dollars from an upstart sports agent. The man in question then sued Bush for not repaying the money when Bush signed with a different agent. All of this of course would make him ineligible under NCAA guidelines and ineligible to receive the Heisman trophy that year, not to mention the fact that he took 10 times as much money as Rhett Bomar did. In response to these allegations Pete Carroll's and Reggie Bush's response was simple "no comment". Whenever NCAA or pac10 investigators came to Bush's door or Pete Carroll's office, they ran the freeze out. They said absolutely nothing and so far, they are benefiting from it. Why does the NCAA allow this? they will tell you it's because they have no subpoena power to force anyone to talk if they don't want to, but the real reason is because they have no balls. If they were serious about cracking down on student athlete improprieties, they would strip USC of it's 2004 national title until SOMEBODY spoke up. On the flip side of this whole mess; when boyscout Bob Stoops found out about Rhett Bomar and JD Quinn scandal, he self reported it to the NCAA and the Big 12. Of the two, Bob Stoops faces the most harsh punishments from the NCAA, he's essentially having an entire season wiped from the books, and he's losing 2 scholarships for next season. Meanwhile, Pete Carroll gets to walk scott free continuing to rake in recruits and wins without even trying.


jill rosenberger said...

Since they beat the Ducks in the bowl game they played that year, does that mean that the Ducks officially won it? Same with the other games? I saw in the paper that their loss count did not go down, but thier wins just went to zero. So do the teams they beat that year get to count the loss as a win now?

Face 4 Radio said...

The teams on the other side of the decision are not affected. Oregon's bowl game loss is still a loss.