Sunday, July 15, 2007

The Beckhams move to the U.S.

There has been endless cover and anticipation over the British soccer, or should I call him a football star, and his diva wife moving to the states. Granted he is an amazing athlete who has one of the largest fan bases of any pro athlete. I have just seen so much on TV the past two months hyping the families move to California, and David signing with the Galaxy soccer team. I think it's great that the emphasis is on the team, the franchise and what the star player can bring not only to the team, but to the city and state of california. There are tons of potential profits that can be made from ticket and merchandise sales, not to mention all of the other promotions Posh and Becks will be involved in. There is also a reality tv series that has been filming the whole process from planning the move from the UK to the US, and has followed Victoria around filming the things she does from house hunting,to shopping and showing thier private family lives as a married couple with three young sons. I am really interested to see the show, and get a look at how these famous people live their lives.
There has been so much media/paparazzi attention surounding everything they do, I think it has taken away from the real reason they made the move; so David could join a great soccer team. That aspect has been pushed backed, and for such an amazing soccer star I would like to see more coverage of it. The day he did officially join the team, and got his jersey, there was a lot of press coverage and that is what I had been expecting more of. Not what clothes they had been seen wearing, or the places in LA where Posh had been seen shopping. This is a huge deal in the world of soccer, and I have seen the speech he gave after recieving his Galaxy jersey played a couple of times, but I have seen more about the upcoming reality show. I don't want his amazing talents to be pushed out of the forefront for things that seen so much more trivial.
I am a fan of both the Beckhams, and i love to hear about them, so I understand why there are so many trivial stories about the couple. But he is a soccer god, and I want to see and hear more about what's going on with his new team.
Just some thoughts I had, I would love to hear some opinions.

1 comment:

Racquet Girl said...

I must agree. I haven't heard much at all about David's royal soccerness, but rather about Victoria and the Spice Girl reunion. Which I'm looking forward to... And I don't know if its just me or what, but soccer isn't that big in America as it is in other countries.