Monday, July 9, 2007

Expensive Entourage
A Washington jury awarded one of the two men that sued Iverson. The two men both Iverson, along with many other sports claimed that they were beaten by Iverson’s security guards. Marlin Godfrey was the only one out of the two to be awarded any money. Godfrey had initially sued Iverson for 20 million, but was recently awarded 260 thousand dollars.

This type of behavior can’t be tolerated. If a sports star is going to hire an entourage, he must be responsible for them all. I believe 260 thousand is not even a slap on the wrist for Iverson, the basketball star makes over 23 million a year, and can afford to pay these fees like parking tickets.
I personally have nothing against Iverson, I love him as a player, and love what he’s done for the sport, and in fact if I hadn’t done my research, I probably wouldn’t of picked a side on this issue, but Iverson is also currently being sued for a fight his entourage was in two weeks prior to this one. They all happen in clubs, when alcohol is involved, these men turn mean. My advice, take a date and leave the entourage at home.


Racquet Girl said...

Absolutely! All athletes (as well as famous people) need to realize the social responsibility that comes with being famous and being a role model. This is especially true for athletes because many kids look up to them. They chose a life that is in the spotlight, so they must be able to navigate accordingly. I am so sick of hearing celebrity/athlete mischief. Just because one has money does not excuse him from behaving shamelessly. If there were stricter punishments, I bet these fellas would think twice about their behavior. It seems like its too easily shrugged off and forgiven.

Mike G.P. said...

From a legal standpoint, I found this article a bit odd. How can a person be held responsible for what his entourage (read: friend) does? I'm no lawyer, but that seems weird to me. Is it simply because the offender is paid by Iverson? Would I get sued if one of my friends started a bar fight and I didn't stop it?

Interesting question: do you think suits like this one promote civilians starting trouble with athletes?

Brad Churchill said...

Mike, sorry for the delayed response to your comment. It doesn't seem odd to me at all. These men are employed by Iverson, he is their boss, and employer. He is held responsible for hiring violent thugs.

If you were out at a bar withh your friends and they started a fight no, you wouldnt be held reponsible, because you arn't employing them, they don't work fo you.

Iverson has an obligation, if he's going to hire security, they need to be preofessionals.