Monday, July 9, 2007

Bull Riding

I was looking at the front page of the Oregonian's sports section on the fourth of July, and half of it was covering bull riding. I rarely see anything about it as a sport, let alone so much on the front page. I never knew that to even get a score the rider has to stay on the bull for a full 8 seconds. Mosts sports make sense to me, and even seem fun, but nothing about trying to hold on to an angry, bucking bull does. What's the appeal, and has anyone ever tried? Just a few thoughts I had while looking over the paper. Oh, and what seems even crazier are the people who dress like clowns to distact the bull when the rider falls off. I hope they have good medical coverage!


Blazer Fan 1985 said...

I would agree that bull riding is a different type of sport, but what about all of the other so called sports like poker that ESPN showcases. I tip my hat off to anyone who can hold on to a bull that is going crazy for 8 seconds. Plus the 4th on July, and summer in general, is one the biggest times for the sport of bull riding.

ayabean said...

I have a experience of riding bull machine. It was just "machine," but it was still soooo aggressive. I fail down in 10 sec. It was fun though.