Friday, July 6, 2007

Facilitaiton Topic for Monday, July 9

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to let everyone know that I will be facilitating this coming Monday. The topic will be: Will Bud Selig (the commissioner of Major League Baseball) be in attendance when Barry Bonds ties and passes Hank Aaron for the all-time home run record?

As of tonight, Barry needs four home runs to tie, and five to break the record. Currently, Mr. Selig is sitting firmly on the fence, unsure whether or not he is going to be in attendance or not. I have listed several reasons for each side below.

Possible reasons Mr. Selig WILL be in attendance:
  • He is the face of baseball at the moment, and needs to represent the sport as graciously as possible.
  • By not attending, it may appear that he feels the record still belongs to Hank Aaron, his good friend of 50 years.
  • To perhaps avoid making an ugly scene similar to when Bowie Kuhn did not attend Aaron's record breaking game.
  • By not attending, it becomes a bigger issue. It would become a national media field day, and the inevitable would be dragged out even more.
  • By not attending, it would appear that he is better than baseball.
  • By not attending, he may lose fans (aka customers).

Possible reasons Mr. Selig WILL NOT be in attendance:
  • By Attending, it may appear that he is condoning the use of performance enhancing substances.
  • By not attending, and congratulating Bonds over the phone, he would make a statement to baseball.
  • Attendance is not mandatory, and he was not in attendance for other milestones, such as a 300th win, etc.
  • From a personal standpoint, he would be avoiding the awkwardness of that moment.
  • Aaron is a good friend of his, and he will not be attending.

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