Monday, July 23, 2007

Desperate Times Call for Lazy Measures

Has anyone opened the sports page lately? Maybe frequented the most popular sports websites? How about tuned into your favorite sports talk show?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you're probably horrified beyond belief at the extensive coverage sports' recent misconduct cases are receiving. Seriously, every time I flip on the tube, pick up the sports page or tune into a sports talk radio show, I cross my fingers and pray that I will not hear the names Michael Vick or Tim Donaghy. Call me crazy, but don't ESPN and publications across the nation have any other material, because this repeating track is getting a bit old.

It may only be at the collegiate level, but I have some experience in sports media. For the most part, all levels of newpapering follow the same core principles, so I understand the excessive coverage to a degree. However, another primary rule of thumb for journalists is to search and probe for the next great story. Personally, I haven't witnessed much scouring for further details or evidence in the Vick or Donaghy cases.

Instead I've observed extended periods of journalists silently sitting on their hands, waiting for the next press release or personal statement to surface. Once NBA Commissioner David Stern speaks or Falcons' Owner Arthur Blank provides his opinion, the writers can snatch their laptops and peck away, producing another story to belabor the point that Vick's acts were heartless and Donaghy is a gambling fool.

From a fellow sports writer's perspective, these journalists and columnists should find another angle, or jump ship and cover a different story all together. It's not that difficult to explore alternatives. Actually, it's quite refreshing. These guys should give it s try, because the stereotype that sports writers are lazy and unmotivated is evolving by the minute.

1 comment:

Mike G.P. said...

If you really want to go into the world of sports writing, here are some ways to blend in:

Stop thinking for yourself
Run with the crowd
Stock up on Hawaiian shirts
Develop an affinity for chicken strips

Here's hoping you opt not to blend in...