Sunday, July 22, 2007

E-sport is one of the most popular professional sports game in Korea.

A high school student playing a computer game for 14 hours without break, looks like addict to this game, and his parents worry about him. His school teachers think he is a child who needs special care. This guy becomes as popular as a celebrity, and people pay attention his job. He is earning about a 100 thousand dollars a year. This is not a fiction.
One foreign basketball player who is playing in the Korean Basketball league complained “Why is the popularity of basketball in Korea in third place? Why do they love baseball and soccer more?” Then, his colleague said “The third place popular sport is not basketball, it’s Star-craft.”
Professional gamers really make approximately 100 thousand dollars. This amount of money is not high as professional baseball or soccer players earn. However, the fan of E-sport (This is Korean site, click 'English' right and top place of the page) is a maniac and they love their player as much as the fans of baseball or soccer.
The developing progress of Korea professional electronic sport was quite different from the other sports. Korea professional baseball league and soccer league were established by the military regime in power from 1980-87. They used sports to distract people’s attention from politics. These two sports were pressed upon the Korean people by the government, so they reveal many problems. For example, two professional sports made almost 25years ago, but any teams don’t make any money. The sponsors’ supports their teams, but they still haven’t made a profit because of structural problems and lack of public interest.
Contrastively, professional E-sports began without any political purposes; it is based on free economy theory. It makes a profit, and it has the relatively stable foundation. I believe this model is what the other professional sports should follow.

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