Monday, July 23, 2007

Petey Baseball's New Friend

With the allegations of Tim Donaghy's involvement in helping to fix NBA games, I am surprised that Pete Rose's name has not come more into the conversation. Rose's ban from baseball (he bet on his teams games while he was manager, but says he never bet on them to lose) has made a fool of baseball's greatest hitter. But he was never proven to have fixed anything or altered the game. It is alleged that Donaghy altered outcomes of NBA games to cover gambling debts with low-level mob members.

If it hasn't happened already, the NBA needs to suspend Donaghy indefinitely. In a league where there are already cries about officiating being one-sided, swift action is needed.

If the allegations are proven false, or sufficient evidence is lacking, then Donaghy should be allowed to work again, on a probationary basis. But, if they are true, then a probe is needed to determine how far this scandal reaches. It is not yet known if other officials or players are involved.

My hope is that, if proven true, Donaghy doesn't just get off with a slap on the wrist. Plea bargaining in this case is wrong. He should not get off scott-free for throwing other involved parties under the bus.

Throw the book at him - hard.

1 comment:

t-rex 10S said...

I actually have heard one person comparing Donaghy's actions to Pete Rose. I agree, if found guilty, they need to go at him full force. Like Rose, who bet on games as the manager, the ref has a huge part in determining how the game plays out. If they bet on their own sport, they should get the maximum penalty.