Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Contenders in the East?

Today, the Boston Celtics acquired one of the best players in the NBA, Kevin Garnett, from the Minnesota Timberwolves. This past summer Danny Ainge has turned the Celtics from one of the leagues worst to a now contending team in the Eastern Conference. In addition to acquiring Garnett, the Celtics also got sharpshooter Ray Allen from the SuperSonics.

I like this deal for two reasons because 1) the Trail Blazers only have to see both Allen and Garnett only twice a year now, and 2) it is better for the league to have storied franchises in contention. The Boston Celtics are one of the most historic teams in the NBA. It was very sad to see this team be very bad these last couple of years. ( The same can be said for the Philadelphia 76ers and New York Knicks) I believe that it is better for the league for storied franchises to be good. Fans follow the big name teams, with the Celtics suddenly good again the NBA will attract more fans. My question for the blog to comment on is it better for the league to have the storied big name franchises contending or is more exciting for new teams to win?


Middle Relief said...

The NBA is in decline, has been for a while - it needs the Celts to be good again to have any chance at staying as a relevant sport in this country.

Until then however, we should all just focus on baseball, America's past times, and the franchise that everyone cares about, the NY Yankees!!

Face 4 Radio said...

Barf. You do know there are more teams around than just the Yanks and Sox, right? Are fans of sports only supposed to care about the storied franchises? Personally, I could give a rip about the Knicks, the Sixers, the Yankees, etc. Joe Paterno is old, too, and a great character, but that doesn't mean he is owed a great team.

Blazer Fan 1985 said...

Boston is now a contender in the East but they will never make it past the Western Conference for a title.

Mid relief, for your information The NBA isn't terribly different from all other sports and prime-time ratings. Not everyone is completely one sided and closed minded like your self.

The Yanks are still 7 back from the Sox, and are being threatened by not making the post season for the first time since 1993...keep the faith bud.

Brad Churchill said...

I loved the trade, Boston is going to be an exciting team to watch this season. They'll be the dominate force in the East, and I feel have no problem sweeping the West. It will be exciting to watch the trio play.

t-rex 10S said...

I think it's great that Ainge went out and made a significant trade. Maybe now the city of Boston can stop taking their "Celtics Pills". I think Boston fans can finally look forward to something this season. Maybe they might not win it all, but it's a start getting people back in the Garden.

Middle Relief said...

As far as ratings - the only thing that the NBA finals beat out was the Stanley Cup (which was on the Versus channel of all place).

It was a good trade for the NBA, because of as mentioned, if they want to stay a relevant league then either Boston or NY needs to be in the mix.

Blazer Fan - at the time of your posting yes Yanks were 7 back. They were 14 back prior to the break. They're only now 3 back of Wild Card. It is not easy being good. Its easy when you suck (like the Blazers). The fact that the Bombers have been to the big dance 39 times, won it 26, and have been to the playoffs every season since '95 I think just puts this franchise in a league of its own - agree?

Anonymous said...

Middle relief: You wrote about the Yankees in a section about the NBA. You have your own blog to post about the Yankees so do it there in the appropriate place. If all of America focused on just the Yankees, we would be bored because they haven't done ANYTHING lately. Oh wow three spots behind the wild card. Who cares?! The Yankees are the Lakers of the MLB. No one likes them but New Yorkers. Your beloved owner tries to buy his championships but has failed. You all thought bringing that traitor Rodriguez was going to be so wonderful but what has he done in New York for the Yankess besides bring them bad publicty with his love of strippers?

As for the NBA staying relevant in this country . . . where do you get your ideas from? There is more of a fan base for basketball than there is for baseball. Did you not notice how intense this last draft was? When was the last time baseball got that kind of publicity? I love baseball, so don't try and respond with some snide comment, but you cannot discount every other sport because you don't like it. Grow up.

You must have a lot of free time on your hands to constantly be looking at this blog. Maybe you could try doing something more meaningful with your time, like research a different better team.

Anonymous said...

Annoyed -

The fan base for the NBA is large world wide - it is in a steady and deep decline in the U.S. - look up attendance and ratings info before you tell me how wrong I am.

Further, as it relates to NY'ers only caring about the Yanks - Tampa, Baltimore, Colorado, and Detroit have set 3 game attendance records recently - all happened when they were playing the boys in Pinstripes - coincedence?

And for the record - NY'ers love and respect strippers - A-Rod was simply showing he's just one of the regular folks!


t-rex 10S said...

Did you just make yourself anonymous, but then signed your screen name at the end of the comment? Just wondering.

Anonymous said...

Yes, when on mobile remote access, for some reason it won't let me sign in.


t-rex 10S said...

Fair enough.