Thursday, July 19, 2007

Mistake for Beckham?

Recently, David Beckham has left his England team to now play for the L.A. Galaxy. There is no doubt that Beckham has had nothing but success for England, signing first for Manchester United making his first-team debut in 1992 at the age of 17. He was twice chosen runner-up for FIFA World Player of the Year, and as recently as 2004 was the world's highest-paid footballer.

United excelled in the English Premier League during his time there, winning the Premiership title six times, FA Cup twice, and the UEFA Champions League in 1999. He left that club to sign for Real Madrid in 2003, where he remained for four seasons.

So why the movie to the US, to play for L.A. Galaxy who is 3-13 this season? Yes, he was signed to a $250 million contract, and even David himself said it will be a challenge moving to L.A. and playing for the Galaxy.

So why did he do it? Does he just want more money and to be a hero in the states?

David has said, "I've played football (the term for soccer in Europe) for years. I see the challenge in the U.S. … I think the U.S. is an amazing country and a passionate country. For me the challenge is there."

So....I respect Beckham even more now as not only an athlete, but as a person to take on a challenge and recognize the passion the U.S. carry's, though I feel that he made a mistake coming here when it comes to his carreer. Taking on a new challenge and something different in his life might be what he needed as a change and what he was looking for, yet will he be able to get it done in L.A.?


Middle Relief said...

Correction: He didn't leave his English team for the states - he was forced out Real Madrid (Spain) and due to declining abilities was left to be relegated or play in the states.

I would assert that yes he came to the states partly for the cash (he is a brand), and partly because of the opportunity Hollywood will afford his spouse.

Further - the World's Football does not, has not, and very likely will not translate to long term success in the U.S.

sam said...

What I remember about David Beckham is that he has a sensational power to get millions of fans. Last 2002 FIFA World cup, he showed his power, and it was not soccer but his fashion and appearance. Because of these things, his life in the U.S. will be better than the other stars. He will get more attention than other soccer stars. For example, Batistuta didn’t get so much attention even though he was a hero of Argentina.
David Beckham is now 32 years old and his age represents that it is not easy to compete with young players, such as Christiano Ronaldo or Wayne Rooney.
It is very natural progress and he can bring an advanced soccer appreciation to America. For American soccer fans, it can be a good opportunity to watch him play. I guess he can help U.S. soccer improve.

Face 4 Radio said...

What is funny is the spectacle that was made of his first game with the Galaxy, when it wasn't even certain that he would be able to play. He wound up logging about 13 minutes, but when the hype was so big, the game was more of an afterthought.

ayabean said...

When I saw the news, I was surprized because I have a image that the United States is not football-orientated country. And I thought "why such a popular player decided to play in the US?"

Aynways, as Sam said, David Beckham is man of charisma not only as a soccer player. I really hope that he can help make soccer more popular in the U.S.A.

Mike G.P. said...

I'll be shocked if Beckham (or anyone) causes soccer to popular in the U.S. It just doesn't jive with our culture -- too slow, a game of patience, not enough scoring. Even when the U.S. has advanced reasonably far in the World Cup, the impact has been minimal.