Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Summer Sport!

I don't know for sure why Beach volleyball is one of the fastest-growing spectator sport in the United States. I have a feeling that Misty May-Treanor and Kerri Walsh, the players in the picture, are a big reason. They're Olympic gold medalists and the two most popular players on the AVP tour.

Then, there is the controversial issue.

Since its introduction as an Olympic sport in 1996, many of these people argue that beach volleyball as it is currently played in the Olympics is too sexualized to be considered a truly respectable sport. People have pointed out that professional beach volleyball is one of the few sports where athletes are mandated to wear a uniform which does not exceed a certain size, essentially encouraging a "less is best" approach towards attire, and argue that it is simply a ploy to market the game for viewership and sponsors.

In return, some people argue that the attire common in track and field events at the Olympics is barely any more skin covering, and that only beach volleyball is unfairly singled out for criticism. There are also claims that the uniforms are practical for the sport, since more loose clothing would hinder playing ability and professional tournaments often take place during the high heat of summer.

The controversy of the sport hit a new high at the 2004 Olympics, when a DJ played music clips between sets while female dancers in orange bikinis performed for the crowds. This and the requirement that players, especially women, wear skimpy clothing, led to accusations that the sport was less respectful than other Olympic events.

In any case, beach volleyball at the Athens Olympics was a massive success, and some critics point out that the controversy may have even helped the sport become more popular. I don't favor the female dancers in orange bikinis performed between sets, but I think the uniform is still no problem because it is one of the characteristics of beach volleyball.

1 comment:

Racquet Girl said...

At least they look good in their uniform :) I think that had they not have had those orange bikini dancers, there would be no controversy. Those talkers are just jealous. And what about the men's volleyball? Aren't they shirtless as well?