Monday, July 23, 2007

Can This Be Legal?

"You don't kick a girl when she's down, right? Not if you can pound her face instead. At the Fatal Femmes Fighting Championships, an all-female mixed-martial arts (MMA) event, almost anything goes in the cage. Sofie Bagherdai, otherwise a sweet, petite teenager from Souther California, has her opponent, Stephanie Palmer, pinned to the floor. Now she's ready to work -- whack, a shot to the noggin. Bam! Pow! Boom! Half a dozen more. Palmer cowers in the fetal position and the ref stops the fight. The medics cart Palmer out on a stretcher" (Time Magazine, July 2007).
And this is a legal sport in America. In a world where dog-fighting is immediately condemned as barbaric, I find it a little ironic that this real time fighting that usually results in much pain and broken bones is a sport.

This sport is quickly gaining popularity and has more viewers than the baseball playoffs.

My question is, how can this even exist as a sport legally? I can understand the WWE where the fighting is highly glamorized and choreographed, boxing where they wear helmets, but this is a sport where they come in with just a pair of gloves and start pounding away.
This sends such mixed messages to the world. I mean, obviously anyone caught fighting on the school playground is immediately sent to detention, maybe suspension. Street fights usually result in some sort of police interaction. But this is a sport, where people can make money, gain fame, sponsorships, etc. for basically beating another person up.

I understand that there is some sort of natural interest in watching 2 people fight. Whenever there is any sort of fight happening, there is usually a crowd that gathers around. But that doesn't make it right, does it?

Of course, these people are 2 consenting adults who agree to fight. But then again, so are usually the thugs in the gangfight. And I don't think a sane person could do this for a living.. Just read some of the quotes from these crazy women:

"We're not hitting tennis balls. We're hitting people. Isn't that more exciting?" -Ginal Carano

"To be able to potentially break somebody's arm is pretty cool for me." - Jessica Pene

"I like to punch, but I like to get punched too. I want to take it." -Sumie Sakai

From a psychological standpoint, I would have to say these women are borderline psycho. Such fascination with violence and hurting another person is not normal, nor is it safe. . . It should not be held on a pedestal as an accepted activity.


golions84 said...

Actually, in professional women's boxing, they don't wear headgear, they follow the same rules as men's boxing. Also, if women want to compete in a sport that is usually thought of as a man's, and there's an audience for it, who are we to tell them they're crazy?

Racquet Girl said...

And I agree with you. Women should have the equal opportunity to play any sport a man can play. But gender aside, beating someone to the point of broken bones should not be appreciated, regardless of whether its male or female. Its just crude.

Although I guess this fascination has continued for centuries. Watching people get devoured either by lions or by an opponent.

But in todays modern world, I don't think playing a game where the sole pupose is to make someone suffer physically is sane at all.