Thursday, July 26, 2007

What famous people should do with their money...

When people become famous and earn millions of billions of dollars, there are certain responsibilities they should take upon save the rest of the world (and give me tuition money). .. It is always depressing to see rich people spend their money in the most non-profitable and criminal ways such as illegal drugs, dog-fighting, and whatever other stupid things they find to do. Especially in the sport world, where at least in my mind, athlete and sport is associated with persistency, excellent health, and a good work ethic....

And when you are making that kind of money, the least you can do is give back to a cause that is in dire need of attention and support. That is why I admire Lance Armstrong and Magic Johnson. These people (there are others of course) took a personal struggle and not only passed it but gave back by using their platform to raise awareness. I think all athletes should follow suit.

So maybe some athletes never went through cancer or aids..there are plenty of other avenues. Raising awareness for Boys and Girls clubs, other diseases, schools, etc. I think the key to saving the world from all its chaos is to unite w/ the people who have all the money to give an example to the rest of us. Not only do they have good financial power to make a change, they also have that zeal and influence over the proles who watch and adore them. By raising awareness, the future can look brighter. People will know and care.

Being famous does not have to be a complete act of selfishness. A lot of good can come w/ the money and attention if directed in the right direction. Stars can make anything look cool. It is their responsibility to use that power wisely. . .


Middle Relief said...

Set up a scholarship for kids that truly want to take advantage of the educational opportunities in this country vs. those that just phone it in and are lazy.

That's what should be done with money.

Tom said...

This is a pretty good argument. Sometimes when I watching a gamee and I see the "NBA Cares," or the "NFL United Way" commericals, I often wonder if the ads are just a way to satisfy the average fan. I agree that athlethes should do more to give back.

Anonymous said...

Tom -

You say athletes should do more to give back - compared to what?

Americans that are in the top 1% of income (which pro athletes are) give more back than the rest of the population in the U.S. combined. Further, Americans in general, give by far, more in dollar terms than any other nation from a charitable and common good perspective.

So what specifically do you mean by "more"? Is it that you may be fully unaware of their current philanthropic and community activities? Or is this just how you feel with no facts to back it up? Is it a certain % that you think is acceptable? If so how do you know they are not already giving that if not more? Dig deeper on this one and tell us what you're thinking they should do more of and what the baseline of comparison is.

treppenwitz said...

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