Friday, July 6, 2007

Interesting links

If you're enjoying Moneyball, here's an interesting link to a gentleman's Doctoral Dissertion. The topic? "Stats Geeks: The Production and Legitimation of Sports Knowledge through Advanced Statistics." Essentially he is interviewing anyone who considers him/herself a sabermetrician (i.e. devoting to analyzing baseball through statistics).

Check it out by clicking here.

Also, here is an interview with Mark Shapiro, who you'll recognize as one of the other GMs in Moneyball. Interesting how he, too, has been able to compete with a reduced payroll.

Lastly, read this article about a competing book whose entire goal, it seemed, was to dispove Moneyball. Remember the post-script, which listed some of the backlash to the book and to the Oakland A's? This article fits right in. It's amazing how antagonized people in "The Club" (to borrow Michael Lewis' term) felt after Moneyball was released.

One final thing: I'm at a coffee shop and some guy here is continually making weird eye contact with me.

1 comment:

Rip City 2007 said...

Maybe the guy just wants to join the class!