Monday, July 16, 2007

NBA Summer League, Not So NBA at all...

With the NBA's Las Vegas Summer League wrapping up it has been bothering me hear from people already judging the players that participated as to how they will play in the NBA. For those that don't know the NBA summer leagues are games held in which NBA teams send rookies and players vying for a roster spot to play, showoff talent, and get ready for the upcoming season. Now with that said, it really bothers me how many people try to take these games, which are run by the NBA not actually NBA level games, and try to prove how certain players are going to dominate or struggle in the League.

For example this summer with Greg Oden and Kevin Durant, Portland and Seattle’s top draft picks, people are already trying to put too much emphasis on these players’ performances. Greg Oden has already been criticized for foul trouble and his offense, even though he was struggling through enflamed tonsils and not even able to play close to 100%, also lets not forget that this is his first time playing with NBA rules and this is the time where he is supposed to learn what an NBA foul is and isn’t. Also the refs are getting ready for the season also, so there is just a lot of work and learning going on.

There has been a load of hype around Portland and Seattle's top draft picks, but lets not already try to judge their game based on some very meaningless summer games played against some very weak competition. Lets all just wait until the actual NBA season arrives and these players actually get some real NBA experience in under their belts. You don't hear the announcers on T.V. during games talk about how that game that was played in Vegas over the summer really showed us why so and so did not do well in today’s regular season game, so why should we?

The summer leagues are great learning tools for young and unproven talents to work on the game and hopefully land a roster spot on an NBA team. So lets just let it be at that and enjoy getting to watch some of the games when the make rare appearances on FSN or NBAtv. The game is played in the winter, not the summer. Until then we will just have to wait to see how these players will actually turn out.


The Sports Protege said...

I completely agree with your point about fans and media pundits making hasty conclusions solely from a couple summer league performances. In my mind that is ridiculous. They should display some patience and at least wait until the All-Star break before deciding whether a player is destined for greatness or a career riding the pine. That seems reasonable.

Great post,


Tom said...

There are many variables that summer league players do not experience until they play during the regular season for example traveling, sold out arenas, and the actual tempo of an NBA game. This argument is just and I believe its just a way for the rooks and the bench warmers to be assessed as well as keep them in shape.

Face 4 Radio said...

The main reason the NBA summer league means squat? Nate Robinson was the MVP. 'Nuff said.