Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Third Time Could be a Charm for Harrington

Since the grand jury's recent indictment of Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick for an alleged dogfighting operation on property owned by Vick in Virginia, questions have been circulating if he will in fact be participating in the 2007-2008 season. If Vick is in fact convicted of the crimes that he has been accused of, he will with out a doubt be facing some time behind bars. And the way it is looking Vick is in a serious predicament because for the grand jury to indite an individual they must have a strong case against him. Not to mention, they grand jury hardly looses on cases like this.

The situation that Vick is faced with could potentially end his lack luster NFL career. The question that remains to be addressed is who will be the quarterback that fills Vick's shoes while he is stuck in his troubles? Well, luckily the Oregon native quarterback Joey Harrington was recently signed to be a backup to Michael Vick following the trade of Matt Schaub. Many sports analysts have considered him one of the biggest draft busts in recent NFL history after being picked with the third pick in the 2002 NFL draft. But he now has a chance of a lifetime to restore his career if he can act on the oportunities that have been presented to him.

Not only is everyone in this nation hoping the Vick gets time inn the slammer, but Harrington must be jumping up and down after hearing about the recent indictment of Vick. Finally, Harrington has a chance to play with a team that has talent that can back him up during the up and coming season. Vick isn't the only story that will be interesting to see how it pans out, it will also be fun to see if Harrington can jump start his career from the misfortune of the alleged dog fighter.


Face 4 Radio said...

They finally got a decent receiver in Joe Horn, but I don't think Joey fits in to their offense, unfortunately.

Middle Relief said...

We can just file this one under the no ones gives a crap section.

Blazer Fan 1985 said...

How can you even say that we shouldn't care about the most gruesome story that has ever hit professional sports? Vick sure isn’t going to get his wish to step back on the field this season, so talking about alternative qb’s is inevitable. Is dog fighting one of your fortes in the Bronx? I take it you are a Falcons fan too…that’s almost as sad as seeing your yanks go winless of a world series since 2000!