Monday, July 30, 2007

Would A Dress Code Have Prevented This?

Okay, so some would argue that a dress code in the NBA would help reinforce professionalism, and shape a "cleaner" demeanor within the players. But on November 19, 2004 when the entire arena broke out into a full fledged brawl between players and fans, would a dress code really have made a difference?

The topic I present to you today is really dealing with a number of issues, but in essence I want to keep it focused on just two.

The first being that if the NBA had a dress code for their players, would they really have a greater sense of professionalism; or would they simply be basketball players in suits?

The second and final issue I'd like to present is fans and boundaries. When I watch a game I feel as though there is this 4th wall separating players from fans, which was clearly knocked down after this display. So my question then becomes (in the context of the clip), when fans cross the line and taunt players, is it just as much their fault, as the players involved?

Just a thought.


Racquet Girl said...

If it were men in suits having a brawl, it would definitely add to the entertainment.

Anonymous said...

A dress code does not install discipline and restraint into your value system.

Pro Athletes poor behavior has to do with how they were brought up vs. what they were wearing (have you ever seen Grant Hill or Shaq O'Neil in the kind of situation that Artest and Jackson chronically find themselves in - no - difference, O'Neil and Hill were raised by two parents that taught them the difference between right and wrong).

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.