Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Oden's tonsils foul him out of summer league

Greg Oden is now not going to participate in any more of the Blazers summer league games. Unfortunately, He is suffering from tonsillitis that are said to be the size of golf balls, as well as a severe sinus infection. It is certainly a rough start to his NBA career. Oden also experienced a set back to his college career at Ohio State when he broke his wrist and played most of the season with it not completely healed. So, when it comes to luck when looking at his past two jumps into the next levels of his basketball career, there has been a lack there of.

There has been debate over weather Oden should take the court in a couple of weeks to participate in the U.S. national team mini camp in Las Vegas, but I think he should just take a break and get ready for the 82+ games for next season. There is no reason he should get involved with the U.S. national team because of his ccurrent heath condition. Yeah, it would be good to see Greg being coached along side Nate McMillan, but is it worth wearing the kid out before the season even starts?

Also, many people are looking at his statistics over the first two summer league games and are not impressed. This is what I have to say to all of those ignorant individuals: The big man is sick and can hardly breathe when he runs down the court. Give the guy a break! Yes, statistics and abundance of fouls that were recorded over the two games were nothing to boast about, but he seemed to blow away Pritchard. In the Oregonian he went on to say "my gosh, today especially in the scrimmages, he was as dominant as we have seen him. Good lord, how much more does he need to show us? I mean, he's not feeling well, and yet he is playing through it." That is exactly the kind of dedication that this whole team can build off of.

So sit at home big guy and enjoy some ice cream because in a few weeks you will be back on the court polishing your game for this season.


golions84 said...
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golions84 said...

I was thinking the same thing. Just give him some ice cream, and he'll be fine. I looked at some stats for Lebron James back in the summer league of '03, and his stats weren't all that impressive either. He had one good game with 25 points, but he also sat out two games, and had another where he scored 9 on 2 of 14 shooting. It's just one of those things in summer where the sports writers have nothing but baseball to write about and they just want to create a story out of nothing.

Racquet Girl said...

It may be minor, but it really makes one kinda nervous.. If he doesn't have the health or time to play with the team and adjust...it will be more difficult to pull it off during the actual season. And who is not to say he will not come down with something else. This man seems too prone to illness.

golions84 said...

Let's not forget that this is Summer League, and not Training Camp. He's not playing with the full team, and really the point of it is to get young guys playing time. He'll have plenty of time to mesh with the team as we get closer to the start of the season.

Racquet Girl said...

You do have a point.

I just feel like being pessimistic.

ayabean said...

It's is much better that he takes rest than that he worsen his physical comdition.