Sunday, July 29, 2007

Facilitation for 7.30.07

Micheal Vick, and the Pit bull Terriers that he allegedly participated in fighting. This is not a picture of an exact dog that him and the people involved allegedly fought, though this was captured after another dogfighting event. So you be the judge, Should Michael Vick be sentenced to prison time for his actions (if found guilty) or be faced with other actions. Along with possible trouble with the law, keep in mind his immage and reputation if found guilty will take a huge hit as well. So also put yourself in his shoes, and figure out what you deserve.


Mike G.P. said...

So are we debating Vick's guilt? Whether his sponsorships should be taken away? How he personally should handle this situation? Those are completely different things...

Kenty said...

I think anything you do outside of work, as long as it doesn't affect work, should be separate from work. With that said, since he is in the public eye, keeping his sponsorships would only hurt the company if he was found guilty so they have every right to take it away.

Blazer Fan 1985 said...

I totally agree that sponsors have every right to take away his sponsorships for these allegations. Vick is finished, and he should probably get use to living in a 12 foot by 12 foot cell...